Typical Food


An informative blog where we know a little more about the gastronomy of our country and its different typical dishes

Name and last name: Anthony Bryan Yglesias Alvear 

Course:  10th B

Subject: English 

High School: Daniel Comboni


 The roasted guinea pig, the empanadas de viento or the purple tail and the guaguas de pan are typical dishes of Ecuador. Ecuadorian gastronomy is influenced by Spanish cuisine, by the native peoples that occupied the territory of Ecuador as well as neighboring countries such as Peru or Colombia. In another article in Comer y Viajar we went through the gastronomy of Bolivia, today we are going to Ecuador.

Ecuadorian gastronomy is characterized by a wide variety of ingredients, dishes and ways of making those recipes. As it is such a large and diverse country, we are going to separate the most important typical foods according to the regions.


Recetas y Comida de Ecuador 


 Coast region and Galapagos

 Seafood dishes are very common in the coastal area, as this is where they are most fresh.




Chaulafán is a very complete dish whose base is rice. Its origin dates back to the first wave of Asian immigration that arrived in Ecuador. These immigrants used the remains of fried foods and other foods to add rice. In this way, you are left with a dish made up of rice, meat, vegetables, fish, eggs, soy sauce.
Chaulafán is usually the main or only dish in restaurants in some Ecuadorian cities. For example, Quevedo is recognized for being the place where this dish was created and has already made it its typical dish.




It is also known as ceviche, both forms are correct. Ceviche is a very popular raw seafood dish. It has many varieties, it can be shrimp, fish, shell, squid or mixed. In addition, it contains lemon, orange, tomato sauce, tomato, onion and coriander. In the case of shrimp, they are already cooked. However, when the ceviche is fish, it is "cooked" with the acidity of the lemon. Each person and in each place have their way of preparing it.



Onion is a very typical recipe from Ecuador, specifically from the coast, and is considered one of the best dishes in the country. The recipe consists of a fish soup containing cassava, onion, tomato, chili and spices. Normally the fish is usually albacore or bonito.


 Mountain region

 Mishqui Guts

 Tripas Mishqui

The guts "Mishqui" is a typical dish of the city of Quito. It is prepared with tripas de res (cow guts) and with different ingredients such as: garlic, lemon, achiote, potato and ground peanuts (peanut).

It is a dish that people who live in this city really like. What most characterizes it is the peculiar texture that is achieved. It is usually accompanied with a typical drink such as chicha.



Resultado de imagen para fanesca 

Fanesca is a typical dish from the mountains that is made up of grains and fish. It is eaten especially at Easter time. Contains peas, beans, corn, beans, egg, green banana and spices.

The fanesca has a Christian meaning. The grains represent the apostles while the cod represents Jesus Christ.



Resultado de imagen para fritada 

Fritada is also a dish cooked with pork. This time, the meat is cooked in spicy water and then fried with the same fat as the pork. It is served together with llapingachos, boiled potatoes, corn, banana, onion and tomato.

 Amazon region



This dish is very popular in the Amazon area of ​​Ecuador. It consists of wrapping a fish with a leaf from the banana plant and throwing it on the fire. It is served together with ingredients such as yucca, rice or patacones.

Mushroom ceviche

Ceviche de hongos

The ceviche or mushroom ceviche is a dish similar to the ceviche that we saw typical of the coast, except for the main ingredient: mushrooms instead of fish.



It consists of an alcoholic beverage derived from the non-distilled fermentation of corn and some cereals. This drink is typical of the Amazon area of ​​Ecuador, where the indigenous people drink it.


To conclude this blog, I went to visit a typical food place located in the Guasmo beach area. The food that I liked the most was Encebollado.




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